Super Troopers 2 is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jay Chandrasekhar. A sequel to the 2001 film Super Troopers, the film was written by and stars the Broken Lizard comedy team, made up of Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter and Erik Stolhanske. The plot follows the Super Troopers being called upon to set up a new Highway Patrol station when an international border dispute arises between the United States and Canada.
No, I didn't see Super Troopers 2 Full Movieand I barely remember the first one. I saw it opening weekend in February of 2002, chuckled a few times, enjoyed seeing Brian Cox in a comedy, and never gave it another thought. But Super Troopers 2 is a solid example of a breakout sequel and a mini-event movie.

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