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Red Tea Detox is naturopath Liz Swann Miller's latest creation. She is most known for her “Red Smoothie Detox Factor” program from a few years ago, and this time she has some new twists to her body detox regimen. The following is a summary of Liz's “Red Tea” guide, plus our opinion on it.

We obtained a copy of Red Tea Detox so this review is based on what's actually in it. You'll hopefully learn all you need to know.

Quick Summary: It's a challenging detox diet that will require some self-discipline if you want the results promised. The red tea is a fun twist, so it might be worth checking out for that part alone. If you want to skip the rest of this review, visit the website for Red Tea Detox Review.

Red Tea Detox: What's This All About?
The claim is that this by following this diet including the red tea, you stand to lose weight quickly. Liz Swann Miller herself says she lost “14 pounds in 14 days” and went on to lose 41 pounds in total.

The other testimonials say similar things. Someone else lost 14 pounds in 14 days, another person lost 17, and so on.

If you've seen the presentation video you know there's a whole story around Liz “discovering” the red tea recipe in Africa. Obviously, there's some dramatic effect. But you still get the basic idea: it's a detox diet that uses a special tea recipe to help accelerate fat loss.

You make the tea yourself but she tells you how to make it. There is also a guide for what to eat (and avoid) in addition to drinking the red tea.

You'll be preparing meals of your choice based on a list of acceptable foods. The list changes during different phases of the detox.

(If you're wondering, coffee is allowed.)

She also recommends an optional exercise routine that takes about 20-30 minutes/day. It's not a requirement for losing weight, but it's an option if you're an exercise fanatic.

It goes pretty deep into the theory behind detox diets. I enjoyed that part but it might not interest everyone.

It also gets into fitness motivation and practical tips for meeting your goals. Probably worth a read.

That's the program in a nutshell. I'll get into the specifics later but that is a general idea. It's not anything extreme, but some parts look difficult. It is actually more of a mainstream diet with the added red tea detox drink as an added twist.

A Closer Look At Red Tea Detox
This is a diet program that's meant to both detoxify and help you lose weight. There is a difference between detoxification and weight loss. But according to Liz Swann Miller, they are related.

You probably already know what detoxification is. Basically, you only eat certain foods (usually fruits, vegetables, and liquids) for a period of time.

A Detox Diet For Weight Loss
I mentioned earlier that detoxifying is related to weight loss, even though they aren't the same. This is something Liz talks about in this program. Supposedly by wiping out the toxins you've built up, your metabolism and overall body will run smoother.

Website: https://health-fitnesscare.com/red-tea-detox-review/

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