So you are an Outdoor Enthusiast and you want to be prepared. In order to be prepared Chargers Uchenna Nwosu Jersey , you must be a "Master of Disaster" which means you are prepared for almost anything. Remembering to pack all the right survival gadgets is easy enough becuase as an expert explorer you have a great survival checklist on hand at all times. Still no checklist is failsafe.
Here is an example of what I mean. Survival foods are not the most important thing in most short-term emergency situations in the wild. One can live for weeks without eating if you have to. In the short-term, it's usually more essential to find cover, water, a place to stay dry and uninjured. However, just being confident you have the wherewithal to find food and can put something in your stomach, can do wonders for one's peace of mind, which CAN be fundamental to your survival.
What then Chargers Derwin James Jersey , do you need to know about survival foods? First forget the idea that you need to learn every last edible wild plant. Lots of us love learning about new edible plants, however very few of them provide enough calories to be worth the effort in a long-term survival scenario. Learn about a few basic categories of animals you can eat, and some of the most available and calorie-rich plants in the region you are in.
The following lists are examples of food for the US and Canada Region. It is recommended that one read up on the animals and plant indigenous to the geographic location being explored. I also suggest keeping notes and pictures in a folder you can pack with other survval supplies.
en fire. snakes and frogs are usually safe to eat - if you remove the skin. Those who have cooked snake in a stew and over a fire, usually recommend the latter.
To quickly learn what you need to survive, concentrate first on the common animals and the most available and calorie-rich edible plants. Those are the survival foods that will most likely save your life.
Article Tags: Survival Food, Survival Foods, Most Available