Victor Allen introduces Open Source promotion for Ethos and our featured discussion is dating. A woman’s mindset will dictate the success or failure of the anticipated next date, especially if the man is invited to her domain. Leshelle connects with her good friend Victor Allen to video document a soon to be reality experience. After that, we highlight the treatment of Black Ukranians attempting to leave the country after Putin’s army invasion.
( The Pax Stereo “Shout Out” is designed to shine the spotlight on persons, places or events you should be aware of.
Mario Hemsley is the creator and host of “Morning Coffee With Mario”, Pax Stereo’s flagship series featuring reality talk and centering on today’s talk worthy events. Hosted by the Pax Stereo guru himself with co-host Victor Allen, the Morning Coffee Team will wake you up with insight and humor that will have you thinking and laughing out loud.